
香灰, 由木成香, 於佛前供奉, 燃盡成灰; 調精鍊陶泥, 和清激純水, 經千度以上焰火之炙熱剛烈, 形重獲新生, 神永駐其中, 最終成為唯一的爐、盤、鉢、盞.....

The incense ashes, burnt from incense sticks made of wood and lighted to worship Buddha are mixed with water and other materials and heated in kilns before they gain their nirvana and turned into tangible and sacred stoves, plates, pots and cups.


香灰燒所使用的香表僅從寺院大雄寶殿採集, 包含信徒香客之善念善心, 經寺院僧侶儀軌程式, 每一件都獨特玄妙、純手工打造, 紋理花様自然天成, 獨得祥意, 皆爲世之孤品

The incense ashes used in Xianghuishao Potteries are collected with sacred rituals from the main hall of the temples. On one hand, with their auspicious nature, are embodiment of pilgrims’ universal pursuit of goodness and good luck. On the other hand, in their respectively distinct patterns, represent pilgrims’ unique appeals and prayers.


依比例嚴格配料, 反覆精鍊香灰泥料, 依吉器化氣理氣之法設計器型, 隨後拉坯修型, 素燒上軸, 最終精燒細選, 入寺供奉, 僅少量存世流通。

The incense ashes, mixed with other materials in precise proportions, are first designed into auspicious vessels, whose shapes reveal an inspiration from Chinese traditional ying-yang balance concept, and then jiggered and heated in kilns.



Zhixing Creation & Innovation Forum, No. 3, Gucheng West Road. Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China


電話:400 100 6931
